J. Spivey Presents Gigantic Gospel Concert 2011
[ad] Second Concert Sunday, April 10 at 5pm at the Kingdom Builders Center, 6011 West Orem Hezekiah Walker & The Love Fellowship Choir, Pastor John P. Kee & New Life Community Choir, Lee Willliams & The Spiritual QC’s, Doc McKenzie & The Hi-Lites, Shawn McLemore, and Tim Rogers & The Fella’s. Plus Refuge Temple Ministry…
Tye Tribbett and Pastor Tim Rogers – Keep Me (Video and Pre-Order)
[ad] Set to be released October 19, 2010, Tye Tribbetts newest album FRESH. Many have heard the cover named single “Fresh” and I like that song. However this song…well why don’t you tell me what you think? The inspiration for the song: Pre-order Fresh Below Amazon.com Widgets