Pastor Prince R. Rivers: Living with Real Gratitude
Hallelujah with the Lord’s help got one more sermon in the serieskeep it real today we come from Psalm 103 103 verses 1-5 trying to get the tears out of my eyes so I cansee Psalm 103 starting at verse 1 praise theLord my soul all my inmost being praise His holyname praise the Lord…
Bishop Noel Jones | The Liberator
https://youtu.be/EIALqwM9CFA SEO: Bishop Noel Jones | The Liberator Remembering the lives of Elijah Clayton, Taylor Robertson and John Sidney “Slew” McCain Sr. with the singing of “Amazing Grace” by: Grace Jones, World Changers International Church, St. Martins Episcopal Church, the City Of Refuge LA, and the Alfred Street Baptist Church along with members of the…
TD Jakes God’s Mercy Sits Here – The Potter’s House Aug 26
https://youtu.be/B3DGG78ppQw Subscribe Now ! Watch New Service at The Potter’s House Post at Get Ready ! That that isn’t by faith is by sin. Come boldly to the throne of grace. #GodsMercySitsHere
God to do something incredible in your life!
https://youtu.be/zMjjXTUuaYI Sunday Morning Service at The Potter’s House. Subscribe Now! God is going to fill your mouth with laughter.” Some of this laughter is going to be from the amazing things you see God do. He’s going to make things happen that you didn’t see coming. #GetReady
Pastor Jamal Bryant – I don’t want another no
https://youtu.be/2P9SWfr-XHg Pastor Jamal Bryant preaching I don’t want another no. Watch more videos here : https://goo.gl/GZacML