P4CM Presents Lyricist Lounge 5 October 29, 2011

Lyricist Lounge 5 is on October 29, 2011 in Los Angeles, CA. Tickets go on sale August 13, 2011 and will be only $10 for early birds until Labor Day weekend. After that, the price goes up to $15.
Want a sample of what you will hear?
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Ticket Giveaways!
If you want free tickets, here’s how to get them
If you send us the email address of 100 of your friends, you’ll get 5 free tickets to LL5 and a free copy of the LL4 DVD – Offer closed.
If you refer 25 people to buy tickets to LL5, you’ll get 5 free tickets to LL5 and a free LL4 DVD.
Want to get on the mic?
Open Mic Poets
The Official P4CM Poets will be be there to convict and encourage, but if you want to bless the mic as an open mic poet, submit an mp3 or youtube video to lyricistlounge@p4cm.com by October 1, 2011 for your audition.
Want to sell a product?
Booths and Sponsorships
P4CM is partnering with local organizations to put this event on. And we’ll have a booth there selling P4CM Apparel.
Be part of the Holy October Fest. It starts October 15 with the Misfit LA Tour and the Man Up Concert October 21. And then we take back Haloween Weekend with Lyricist Lounge 5 October 29, 2011!


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