Once a person leaves this earth are we to continue to pray for them? If so, then for what? Do we pray that they reach heaven, that they were able to ask for forgiveness? Or do we pray for their forgiveness?
I don’t know the answer so if you have one please leave it for me. In addition if you know where I can find scripture to support your position of either we should or we shouldn’t please leave that as well.
For some reason it seems like my old catholic school religion classes might have said something about purgatory and levels of death and praying for the souls of those who have gone on. However if it did, that was a many moons ago and it is really fuzzy. If so, would you mind refreshing my memory? In addition is that scriptural or just something the Catholic church adopted (if it is correct)?
Looking forward to reading your responses!
Be Blessed
Question of the Day: Are You Supposed To Pray For People After They Are Deceased?
3 responses to “Question of the Day: Are You Supposed To Pray For People After They Are Deceased?”
This was a comment left on our Facebook page that I had to share. Complete with scripture:
When someone in our congregation passes away we don’t have a “funeral” we have a Home Going Celebration! Some Christians have forgotten that this is not our home; we are just passing through here on our way to Glory. “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” Hebrews 11:13 PRAISE GOD! ~Prayer Praise Reach -
I don’t know, I suppose it can’t hurt. However, why do we mourn at the passing and rejoice at the birth- in direct contradiction of the scriptures. Why does the church not teach this? When a person is born they are born into a world full of trouble and we know that they must face a life full of sorrows to even be counted as one that has suffered like their Saviour- in whom they must confess belief to have any hope. However, when they have passed on we know that their rest has come, and they are troubled no longer. Its kinda messed up the way people cry, as though they want the person to come back and keep dying.
John, I am going to respond here the same way I did on Facebook. You are right, hopefully we will find some answers or have contributions to the dialogue.
Be Blessed
I guess those are times when we put our emotions before God’s directions.
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