Pastor Perry Noble Depression Behind the Pulpit (Video and Book)
Pastor Perry Noble was a successful pastor, but battled anxiety and depression connected to unresolved childhood issues.
Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant – I’m Not Who They Wanted (Video)
Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant preaches a sermon entitled, “I’m Not Who They Wanted”. Mark 15 (NIV) John 18 (NIV)
Dr. Jamal H. Bryant – Unhappy At Home: Fix My Life (Video)
Pastor Jamal Bryant preaches a sermon on mental disorders. sermon notes: Genesis 29
Bishop Noel Jones – It’s Not Over Yet (Video)
Bishop Noel Jones preaches a sermon entitled, “it’s not over”. Sermon notes: Psalm 42 the second division of the book of Psalms opens in chapter 42 even anointed people struggle on the inside when one is going through negative things it increases their desire or thirst for God spiritual growth in God is stimulated by…