Bishop Noel Jones | Believe His Promise

SEO: Bishop Noel Jones | Believe His Promise

Remembering the lives of Ensa Cosby and Ennis William Cosby with the singing of “Amazing Grace” by: Grace Jones, World Changers International Church, St. Martins Episcopal Church, the City Of Refuge LA, and the Alfred Street Baptist Church along lighting the lanterns in Copeland Park in Crystal River, Florida by members of the George Washington Carver Community Center, Inc.

Bishop Jones preaching from 2 Timothy 2:8-13 by highlighting the following points:
•standing on the promise that if we suffer with him, we will also reign with him;
•enumerating the various situations that require trust in others;
•the consistency of faithfulness of Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and forever;
•God has to reveal himself to us through our everyday experiences;
•the sensational lines somebody else’s pocket;
•issues the call for discipleship; and
•to exercise our civic duty to vote at the City Of Refuge LA in Gardena, California. Recorded live and edited from Tallahassee, Florida on 7-15-18.

The vision is Reconciling A Nation Back To God, Self And Others. We assist in providing answers to situations we face on a daily basis relating to: social conscience, sexuality and religious thought. The mission and ministry is to serve as mediators in families, church and community as we are empowered by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.

May you grow in the nature of Christ as we are about our Father’s business in Jesus name, amen.


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