Question Of The Day: Don't You Wish You Had A Pray Button? Romans 8:26

Times are hard and many of us are stressed well beyond our normal limits. During times like this don’t you wish you had a “Pray Button”? A button that not only sends up a prayer, but a specific prayer that uttered the words that your mouth can not, the feelings that your mind can’t even begin to process.
Well in essence we all do, it’s called the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:26 states:
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
So many of us think that the Holy Spirit is something that comes to us during a time of worship. That it is something that has one way travel in that it descends upon us only. However keep in mind as you go through your day to day headaches, heartaches and strife that you do have a prayer button, who speaks to the Father on your behalf. In a language that you don’t know. From your heart where you don’t have to worry about causing confusion by not knowing the right words. The Holy Spirit is there and speaks to God just for you. So when you are frustrated and can’t get it out and wish you had that button. Know that it is there and you can press it at anytime. Pushing mine now! How many times a day do you think you would push your button?
Be Blessed


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