2011 Pastors Leadership Conference TD Jakes (Video)
bishop charles blake bishop i.v. hilliard Bishop Lester Love Bishop TD Jakes orlando pastor bill hybels pastor john hagee serita jakes sheryl brady social media What you don;t know can hurt you women in ministry
4 responses to “2011 Pastors Leadership Conference TD Jakes (Video)”
[…] 2011 Pastors Leadership Conference TD Jakes (Video) 2014 International Pastors and Leadership Conference – Bishop T.D. Jakes (Video) Bishop TD Jakes International Pastors and Leadership Conference – Behind The Scenes (Video) Bishop TD Jakes – 2013 Leadership Conference 10 Commandments of Leadership Not Too Late To Attend – International Pentecostal Young People's Union Empowerment Conference – Greater Grace Temple Detroit MI March 31 – April 2, 2011 Second Ebenezer Church Presents Breakthrough 2011 Conference "Expecting a Turnaround" April 25-29 (Video) Bishop TD Jakes Woman Thou Art Loosed Conference October 20-22 2011 Posted on February 9, 2011April 21, 2015Author onlinefellowship.orgCategories Bishop TD Jakes, EventsTags 2011, Bishop TD Jakes, Bishop TD Jakes Pastors Leadership Conference March 31–April 2, lester love, orlando Fl, special guest, What you don;t know can hurt you, When, Where var addedComment = function(response) { //console.log('fbComments: Caught added comment'); //console.log('fbComments: Making AJAX call to update Facebook comment count'); $.post('https://www.onlinefellowship.org/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-ajax.php', { fn: 'addComment', xid: '_post8541' }, function(resp) { if (resp === 'true') { //console.log('fbComments: Updated and cached Facebook comment count for post with xid=_post8541'); } else { //console.log('fbComments: FAILED to update Facebook comment count for post with xid=_post8541'); } }); //console.log('fbComments: Making AJAX call to send email notification'); $.post('https://www.onlinefellowship.org/wp-content/plugins/facebook-comments-for-wordpress/facebook-comments-ajax.php', { fn: 'sendNotification', xid: '_post8541', postTitle: 'Bishop TD Jakes Pastors Leadership Conference March 31–April 2, 2011', postUrl: 'https://www.onlinefellowship.org/2011/02/09/bishop-td-jakes-pastors-leadership-conference-march-31-april-2-2011/' }, function(resp) { if (resp === 'true') { //console.log('fbComments: Sent email notification'); } else { //console.log('fbComments: FAILED to send email notification'); } }); }; FB.Event.subscribe('comments.add', addedComment); […]
How can I be a better pastor
i would love to come
I would like to come to the leadership Conference this ministry have been a bless my life in ministry
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