April 16th, 2009
How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver! Proverbs 16:16
If you have not often felt the joy of doing a kind act, you have neglected much, and most of all yourself. — A. Neilen
Good afternoon everyone. Today I am thinking about how often one feels down, but yet something always brings you back up. When everything feels as if it is going wrong, it always works outs for the best. When you are having the worst day ever there is always something that makes you smile. Regardless of what trying times one may experience you will be able to move forward and put those negative moments behind you. Remember you are loved at all times and you were actually put on earth to make mistakes, by this I mean you are not perfect so you are going to do wrong, you are going to sin but through it all God will still be there.
I am not going to lie, it is hard to make it through the tough times, a friend pointed out that sometimes it is as if God is not listening and he doesn’t respond but my interpretation is that he has given you the tools to stand on your own and make it through the hard times by yourself. The will of the devil is for us to doubt, stress and worry. I will be the first to admit that I stress and worry entirely too much, and then will say “Oh it is my nature.” I often time try to stay positive by reading, not watching television, or newspapers. Life is hard enough as is and with all the bad news it just brings you down that much more. Find a way to separate yourself from the negative, and find something that you like to do to motivate and keep you spirits up.
May your day, be blessed… K. Pennix
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