Dr. Joyce Meyer- The Benefit of Boundaries (Video)

Leviticus 19:15-17
Proverbs 19:19
Galatians 5:1
Matthew 18:15-18
Proverbs 9:7-9


4 responses to “Dr. Joyce Meyer- The Benefit of Boundaries (Video)”

  1. […] with two Clinical Psychologists John Townsend and Henry Cloud. This is really, really good. Dr. Joyce Meyer- The Benefit of Boundaries 1 ONLINE FELLOWSHIP Dr. Joyce Meyer- The Benefit of Boundaries 2 ONLINE FELLOWSHIP __________________ "No man […]

  2. Nana no longer Avatar
    Nana no longer

    I think perhaps we get ideas that may be unbiblical, God says he sets the widows boundaries
    my Pastor Son in Law has used this term to keep my daughter away from me after the death of her Father, instead of honoring the commandments of Honor thy mother, he has brainwashed my duaghter in her grief, and caused division to her sister and myself, I fear he is far from being a christian, and has crossed over the boundary of
    being a Christian who loves, I fear I have a wolf in sheeps clothing and image not a reflection of Gods love, he also went to an unsaved sister in laws house and started this all withing a month of my spouse dying and going to the Lord. Boundaries are okay, but now I have set a few of my own, I no longer consider my daughter my daughter ( besides that he has stated she is my wife first , your daughter 2nd)
    the use of boundaries in their case is a misuse of Christian love and support.

  3. Thank you so much for posting this…it is so true =D

  4. […] of our lives including relationships with others and ourselves.  I was watching an exeprt of Joyce Meyer on boundaries, and she made a great point.  People ignore boundaries, because they feel it’s […]

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