Today, February 22, 2012 Is The Beginning of Lent. Have You Decided To Give Anything Up?

As many of you know Ash Wednesday is today. While the Catholic Church symbolizes the beginning of the Lenten Season by placing Ashes on their foreheads on what is known as Ash Wednesday, many others will still honor the forty days leading up to Easter by giving something up. What about you? What do you plan to give up or stop doiing for Lent? Me, I’m still thinking/praying about it. It is easy to say I will give up Peanut Butter as I am allergic to it and can not eat it anyway. I want to give up something that I will have to resist myself from. I have a few options, some I really need to give up for more than 40 days, however my weak little flesh is saying “hey silly not that you’ll never make it.” Anyone else facing this dilemma?

Be Blessed,

Quick and abbreviated overview From The Catholic Toolbox on Ash Wednesday and Lent.

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. On Ash Wednesday, blessed ashes are put on your forehead in the shape of a cross. These ashes are made by burning palm leaves which have been saved from last year’s Palm Sunday.

Ash Wednesday is also when we begin to do penance for Lent. Penance is self punishment. We do this to improve our relationship with God and others. The Church suggests three special practices of penance for Lent:

Pray- go to Mass more often, pray more often.

During Lent the Stations of the Cross are said every Friday.

Fast- going without food or eating less. It can also mean giving up a certain food or treat.

Almsgiving- means doing good for others. That can be giving gifts of money or help to others.


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