Danielle Williams – From Porn to the Pulpit (Video and Book)

Danielle Williams describes the moment she decided to change her life, “And for three weeks that man came in there and raped me and beat me. And he told me over and over again, ‘I’m going to kill you. You are not leaving here.’ And I believed it. I knew that I was supposed to die. And every day I got weaker and weaker to the point where I just gave up. I collapsed to the floor. And I wept and I wept. I lay there and I cried so much that I couldn’t speak. And I got my words together and I said, ‘Lord, if you get me out of this I’ll change my life for you. Don’t let me die like this.Not like this.’ 19 years old. He had to get me to that point to show me that ‘I’m God. I’m still God. It’s me and you.” And at that very moment I got my salvation.”
Danielle prayed to accept Jesus Christ. A few days later a man overheard her crying and helped her escape.
She immediately severed her relationships with anyone in the sex industry and started going to church. Surrounded by new friends, Danielle’s life began to change.
“I was starting to fall in love with Christ. And the more I did that the more He started to purge me and heal me and deliver me. The more I reached out to Him, the more He worked in me. Everything I didn’t have. The relationship with my mother, the relationship with my father, the hurt from men, He filled every void.”
Danielle is now in ministry full time sharing the love of Jesus Christ.
“There is no sin too big too bad for Christ. And when everyone else leaves you, He will never leave you or forsake you. And I’m a living witness, a walking example of what Christ can do with somebody’s life.”
source: CBN


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