Diabetes, Dr. Oz and Donnie McClurkin

God must really be trying to tell me something. The last few days I have been bombarded with information about diabetes. Yesterday I had my finger pricked and it spawned a conversation with my daughter regarding staying healthy and eating right so that as a family we can do our best to avoid developing diabetes. I told her I could not imagine having to prick my fingers daily and want them to make sound health choices so they won’t either.

Diabetes is on a rise and it is something that can be prevented in some cases. So let’s become more conscious of what we eat and let’s integrate some more exercise into our lives.

Great thing is Dr. Oz has been campaigning to try and spread the word as well. You might have seen him on Oprah with Dr. Ian, now Grammy award winning singer Donnie McClurkin will join famed talk-show host Dr. Oz as part of the annual convention for the National Association of Black Journalists. Both McClurkin and Oz will be on a panel to discuss his health issues with diabetes and its national impact


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