Mary Mary – Still The Lamb (Lyrics and Video)

Mary Mary will air a Christmas Special on the Gospel Music Channel this Sunday, December 13 @ 8:00 pm

(Check local listings)


Still The Lamb Lyrics

He came to be, so meek and mild, a Savior yet and humble Child
A holy Lamb, precious lamb, they called him Lamb of God
It was the greatest demonstration of love that the world would ever know
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son

And this Son came as a Lamb; He would become a conquering King
But he came as a Lamb; He would be King of kings
And Lord of Lords but He came as a Lamb, and He came for you

People came from miles around, all to worship and bow down
Ohhh the privilege, the privilege it was, they called Him Lamb of God.
Shepherds came seeking this Lamb, and their lives will never be the same
The angelic host formed a choir, and sang from the heavenlies

Wise men were wise enough to seek and bow down to this Lamb
He came to seek and to save the lost; He came because He loves you
It’s great to know that God so loved the world but more important to know, that God loves you
Now here it is, many years have passed they say His time has come and passed
Ohhhh But I’m so glad, that it remains You’re still the Lamb of God

John looked over the horizon and saw one walking as no man walked
And he said behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
He’s still saving, He’s still redeeming, and He’s still there for you today
Receive Him, say yes to Him, and He will change your life
Time cannot change Him and ages do not time Him, He’s still the Lamb of God

Still holy, still righteous, still the Lamb of God
Still Savior, still Redeemer, still the Lamb of God
Still Alpha, still Omega, still the Lamb of God
Still lovely, still healing, still the Lamb of God
Still holy, still righteous, still the Lamb of God
Still Savior, still Redeemer, still the Lamb of God
Still saving, still loving, still the Lamb of God
Still the Lamb of God, still the Lamb of God


One response to “Mary Mary – Still The Lamb (Lyrics and Video)”

  1. […] rubyjazz37 wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt“Enhancing and Promoting Christian Fellowship”. Christian Fellowship. Dr. Jamal Bryant. Dr. Joyce Meyer. Yolanda Adams. Bishop TD Jakes. Shirley Caesar. Bishop Eddie Long. Mahalia Jackson. Pastor E Dewey Smith, Jr. Martha Munizzi. Mary Mary . Jonathan Nelson … Still The Lamb Lyrics. He came to be, so meek and mild, a Savior yet and humble Child A holy Lamb, precious lamb, they called him Lamb of God It was the greatest demonstration of love that the world would ever know … […]

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